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The Old Downs Residential Care Home hosts virtual Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 25 September we held a ‘Virtual Macmillan Coffee Morning’ here at The Old Downs Residential Care Home, to ensure we didn’t miss out on this popular annual event during the pandemic.

We hosted a Zoom video call where residents and family could join in together. This went down so well with everyone who took part – our ladies and gents thoroughly enjoyed seeing their loved ones on screen and tucking into their tea and cakes.

And what a selection we had – chocolate cupcakes, cookies, sponges and an amazing ‘The Old Downs‘ iced cake!

Everyone had a great time and we raised £61.30 for the Macmillan charity.

Thank you to everyone who made a kind donation. 


A table of cakes and cupcakes at a Macmillan Coffee Morning

Our delicious cake and cupcake selection



