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Toasting the Queen and St George at The Old Downs Residential Care Home

Happy birthday your majesty…

On Wednesday 21 April we held an afternoon tea party at The Old Downs Residential Care Home to mark the Queen’s 95th birthday. We all thought about what she had been through recently and toasted her good health with our cups of tea.

Our residents also enjoyed watching a film called ‘The Queen‘.

A royally good afternoon was had by all!

St George’s Day

We celebrated St George’s Day on Friday 23 April with a themed arts and crafts morning, when we made flags with tissue paper and enjoyed colouring.

In the afternoon we held a St George’s Day garden party, when our ladies and gents listened to music and enjoyed cocktails, tea and cakes in our garden.

For lunch we served traditional fish and chips and for tea our residents tucked into prawns, jellied eels, cockles and mussels.

We all had a great day!


St George's Day celebrations at The Old Downs Residential Care Home

St George’s Day fun!





