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Fun sensory exercises at The Old Downs Residential Care Home

Bake and Taste

On Wednesday 23 August some of our lovely residents at The Old Downs Residential Care Home joined in for one of our popular Bake and Taste sessions.

We mixed all the ingredients together before placing our dough mixture in the bread maker to cook. Later, we enjoyed our homemade bread with some marmalade and a cup of tea in the garden.

One of our residents Jorge, particularly enjoyed this activity because his parents were bakers and owned their own bakery in Madrid. Jorge was all smiles as it reminded him of his younger days. We all had a great time!


Smell and Tell

Some of our lovely residents also joined in for a sensory activity – Smell and Tell. We had variety of pleasant aromas for our residents to sample and put their senses to the test.

Our ladies and gentlemen enjoyed guessing what all the different aromas were.



