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Crumble and Creative Mojo at The Old Downs Residential Care Home

We’ve been getting creative here recently at The Old Downs Residential Care Home.

We welcomed the ladies from Creative Mojo to our Home for a wonderful arts session last week, where our residents used dyes and collaging methods to decorate elephant cut-outs. They created a stampede of wonderfully colourful creatures!

Our ladies have been busy making apple and plumb crumble, which is a particular favourite with us. They enjoyed mixing the ingredients and of course tasting the fruits of their labour – delicious with custard, yum!

Our ladies and gents have also been getting active outside in our garden, as we held our very own sports day here at our Home. We saw some impressive ball skills with target games, skittles and table tennis. It was lovely to make the most of our garden and see so many residents getting involved.


